Average Wet Bulb Reports (°F)

Report for Year 2024

Data last updated 11/21/2024 02:20 AM.

Other Years:

 Daily DetailMonthly SummarySeasonal Summary 

128.5 32.5 26.8 38.8 55.2 51.2 58.5 68.5 65.9 55.8 54.4 ---
225.1 32.6 38.8 39.6 53.3 56.7 57.9 69.4 54.0 54.7 38.8 ---
328.9 27.2 42.6 38.7 52.1 62.2 64.0 69.7 49.5 55.0 30.8 ---
428.1 25.4 47.0 33.5 50.3 62.3 68.8 69.6 53.5 53.6 39.6 ---
520.4 26.5 45.0 32.1 47.4 64.7 71.0 66.2 54.5 53.2 55.1 ---
626.4 23.3 47.2 35.5 53.9 66.7 71.7 67.0 57.8 50.3 60.2 ---
728.4 27.0 41.6 37.9 49.2 56.1 66.1 62.1 57.8 52.5 45.7 ---
829.6 33.7 36.5 38.5 56.6 55.5 67.2 62.9 48.4 44.2 40.3 ---
933.1 40.1 35.9 46.1 49.5 54.4 70.9 70.5 52.4 43.3 32.3 ---
1037.0 39.2 32.5 49.6 48.1 53.2 73.4 63.9 55.3 41.9 36.7 ---
1131.6 32.8 28.7 53.5 47.9 53.6 68.5 57.8 53.1 44.0 47.9 ---
1233.5 29.9 35.1 53.3 44.3 55.3 68.1 56.6 58.4 47.0 34.3 ---
1335.6 28.5 42.7 38.3 50.8 58.8 67.4 59.4 59.7 41.7 27.5 ---
1420.3 19.4 42.9 42.5 56.5 63.0 65.5 60.2 61.1 42.6 27.8 ---
1511.8 23.1 46.7 45.1 57.3 54.6 69.9 61.5 61.7 38.7 35.9 ---
1615.9 24.8 38.5 40.7 55.9 54.0 69.9 62.8 59.6 39.1 34.8 ---
178.6 20.1 38.1 43.1 54.9 66.0 68.4 65.8 56.7 37.9 37.0 ---
1814.5 18.7 28.8 45.1 57.2 71.2 63.1 67.5 57.0 39.9 41.5 ---
1916.6 19.4 27.5 44.6 59.9 72.6 58.5 63.9 58.2 41.3 38.0 ---
209.6 17.8 29.6 41.7 60.9 71.1 61.8 52.1 59.1 43.3 45.9 ---
2111.8 25.5 20.4 34.4 62.5 70.0 62.6 51.6 59.6 51.5 ------
2218.5 31.4 22.7 34.9 63.6 70.2 64.3 55.4 59.0 53.9 ------
2330.3 34.2 29.5 41.6 60.2 71.0 66.2 55.8 54.0 54.8 ------
2434.1 19.6 23.8 43.8 54.9 59.9 68.0 58.4 54.3 45.5 ------
2538.5 20.7 29.8 32.9 56.3 59.6 63.1 62.1 55.3 39.7 ------
2641.1 34.5 41.6 36.3 59.9 64.7 58.9 62.0 60.2 43.4 ------
2735.7 44.7 42.6 42.2 65.2 58.7 59.1 62.7 59.3 34.6 ------
2834.7 46.3 36.9 54.2 59.4 53.3 62.4 68.6 61.7 37.0 ------
2928.0 19.8 30.9 61.9 55.2 63.2 64.6 65.0 59.6 46.1 ------
3026.0  34.4 59.9 49.7 67.8 69.6 61.8 60.9 54.9 ------
3130.0  36.2  47.9  70.5 64.5  55.3  ---
Color Key
< 15.0 15.0 - 20.0 20.0 - 25.0 25.0 - 30.0 30.0 - 35.0 35.0 - 40.0 40.0 - 45.0 45.0 - 50.0 50.0 - 55.0 55.0 - 60.0 60.0 - 65.0 65.0 - 70.070.0>

Wet bulb temperature is the lowest temperature that can be reached by the evaporation of water only. It is the temperature you feel when your skin is wet and is exposed to moving air.

Script developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.