Temperature Wind Chill Wind Speed Temperature, Wind Chill and Wind Speed
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  Forecast generated on Thursday 18 April 2024 at 18:00 EST
Monday 22 April 2024
11 pm 37.4° F 30.17inHg
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 87.7 % 1.5 mph
Wind from the NE
Tuesday 23 April 2024
12 am 36.6° F 30.18inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 86.8 % 1.2 mph
Wind from the SE
1 am 36.4° F 30.18inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 84.4 % 1.4 mph
Wind from the SE
2 am 36.1° F 30.18inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 83 % 1.5 mph
Wind from the SE
3 am 35.9° F 30.17inHg
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0inches 81.7 % 1.7 mph
Wind from the SE
4 am 36° F 30.17inHg
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy
0inches 80.5 % 1.9 mph
Wind from the SE
5 am 36.3° F 30.16inHg
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 0
0inches 79.4 % 2.2 mph
Wind from the SE
6 am 38.3° F 30.17inHg
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 0.1
0inches 79.5 % 2.7 mph
Wind from the SE
7 am 41.3° F
Wind Chill: 38.9° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 0.3
0inches 78.1 % 4 mph
Wind from the SE
8 am 45.3° F
Wind Chill: 41.7° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 0.8
0inches 74.3 % 6.7 mph
Wind from the SE
9 am 49.7° F
Wind Chill: 45.9° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 1.5
0inches 68 % 9.2 mph
Wind from the S
10 am 53.9° F
Wind Chill: 50.5° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 2.2
0inches 60.3 % 11.1 mph
Wind from the S
11 am 57.2° F
Wind Chill: 54.5° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 2.9
0inches 54.7 % 11.8 mph
Wind from the S
12 pm 59.2° F
Wind Chill: 56.9° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 3.4
0inches 52.4 % 12.4 mph
Wind from the S
1 pm 61.2° F 30.04inHg
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 2.9
0inches 48.8 % 12.8 mph
Wind from the S
2 pm 61.3° F 30.02inHg
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 1.7
0.01inches 49 % 12.5 mph
Wind from the S
3 pm 59.3° F
Wind Chill: 57.1° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0.8
0inches 55 % 12 mph
Wind from the S
4 pm 57.8° F
Wind Chill: 55.4° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0.3
0inches 58.4 % 11.3 mph
Wind from the S
5 pm 56.1° F
Wind Chill: 53.5° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0.1
0.02inches 63.9 % 10.7 mph
Wind from the S
6 pm 53.4° F
Wind Chill: 50.2° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0
0.01inches 76 % 9.9 mph
Wind from the S
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WxSimCSV Version 0.49.32.en
Script courtesy of: www.wellingtonweather.co.uk
Translated by http://www.wellingtonweather.co.uk

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One day on Jupiter is only 9 hours and 55 minutes.