Temperature Wind Chill Wind Speed Temperature, Wind Chill and Wind Speed
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  Forecast generated on Friday 19 April 2024 at 22:00 EST
Monday 22 April 2024
1 am 34.2° F
Wind Chill: 30.1° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 80.3 % 4.5 mph
Wind from the W
2 am 33.2° F
Wind Chill: 29.6° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 81.3 % 3.9 mph
Wind from the W
3 am 32.3° F
Wind Chill: 29.1° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 82.2 % 3.4 mph
Wind from the WNW
4 am 31.3° F
Wind Chill: 28° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 83 % 3.4 mph
Wind from the WNW
5 am 30.3° F
Wind Chill: 25.6° F
Mostly clear Mostly clear UV: 0
0inches 84.1 % 4.5 mph
Wind from the W
6 am 31.7° F
Wind Chill: 25.8° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.1
0inches 82.8 % 6 mph
Wind from the W
7 am 35.3° F
Wind Chill: 29.3° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.5
0inches 77.8 % 7.3 mph
Wind from the W
8 am 39.8° F
Wind Chill: 34.4° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 1.2
0inches 70.2 % 7.8 mph
Wind from the W
9 am 44.9° F
Wind Chill: 40.2° F
Sunny Sunny UV: 2.7
0inches 61.5 % 8.7 mph
Wind from the W
10 am 48.3° F
Wind Chill: 44.2° F
Sunny Sunny UV: 4
0inches 55.2 % 9.2 mph
Wind from the W
11 am 50° F
Wind Chill: 46.2° F
Sunny Sunny UV: 4.9
0inches 51.6 % 9.5 mph
Wind from the W
12 pm 51.5° F
Wind Chill: 47.9° F
Sunny Sunny UV: 4.9
0inches 48.8 % 9.7 mph
Wind from the W
1 pm 52.9° F
Wind Chill: 49.7° F
Sunny Sunny UV: 4.2
0inches 46 % 9.9 mph
Wind from the W
2 pm 53.9° F
Wind Chill: 50.9° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 2.8
0inches 44.2 % 9.9 mph
Wind from the W
3 pm 54.1° F
Wind Chill: 51.3° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 1.4
0inches 43.5 % 9.6 mph
Wind from the W
4 pm 54° F
Wind Chill: 51.4° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.5
0inches 43.8 % 8.6 mph
Wind from the W
5 pm 52.2° F 30.06inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.1
0inches 46.7 % 6 mph
Wind from the W
6 pm 47.6° F 30.08inHg
Sunny Sunny UV: 0
0inches 55.6 % 3.1 mph
Wind from the N
7 pm 42.1° F 30.09inHg
Clear Clear
0inches 69.5 % 1.3 mph
Wind from the N
8 pm 39° F 30.1inHg
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 77.9 % 1.8 mph
Wind from the N
9 pm 36.8° F 30.11inHg
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0inches 84 % 1.9 mph
Wind from the SE
10 pm 36.2° F 30.11inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 85 % 2.5 mph
Wind from the SE
11 pm 35.8° F 30.11inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 85.4 % 2.5 mph
Wind from the SE
Tuesday 23 April 2024
12 am 35.6° F 30.11inHg
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 85.2 % 2.7 mph
Wind from the SE
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WxSimCSV Version 0.49.32.en
Script courtesy of: www.wellingtonweather.co.uk
Translated by http://www.wellingtonweather.co.uk

Random Fact

Cloud Base

The cloud base is the distance from the sea level to the base of the clouds. It is estimated using the current temperature and humidity to indicate an altitude where the air could be cold enough for clouds to form. There may or may not be clouds at that altitude (or at any altitude)