Temperature Wind Chill Wind Speed Temperature, Wind Chill and Wind Speed
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  Forecast generated on Friday 19 April 2024 at 2:00 EST
Tuesday 23 April 2024
4 am 34° F
Wind Chill: 31.8° F
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy
0inches 89.3 % 2.8 mph
Wind from the ESE
5 am 34.1° F
Wind Chill: 31.7° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 0
0inches 88.1 % 3 mph
Wind from the ESE
6 am 36.9° F
Wind Chill: 34.2° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 0.1
0inches 83.2 % 3.6 mph
Wind from the ESE
7 am 41.3° F
Wind Chill: 38° F
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 0.4
0inches 76.2 % 5 mph
Wind from the ESE
8 am 46° F
Wind Chill: 42° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 1
0inches 68 % 7.8 mph
Wind from the ESE
9 am 50.7° F
Wind Chill: 46.8° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 1.7
0inches 59.9 % 10.4 mph
Wind from the S
10 am 54.6° F
Wind Chill: 51.1° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 2.4
0inches 53 % 12.4 mph
Wind from the S
11 am 57.5° F
Wind Chill: 54.6° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 3
0inches 48.3 % 13.3 mph
Wind from the S
12 pm 59.3° F
Wind Chill: 56.7° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 3.2
0.01inches 46.6 % 14.1 mph
Wind from the S
1 pm 61.1° F
Wind Chill: 58.9° F
Cloudy Cloudy UV: 2.6
0inches 43.6 % 14.7 mph
Wind from the S
2 pm 60.2° F
Wind Chill: 57.8° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 1.4
0.01inches 46.5 % 14.3 mph
Wind from the S
3 pm 56.7° F
Wind Chill: 53.5° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0.6
0.01inches 59.3 % 13.8 mph
Wind from the S
4 pm 56.2° F
Wind Chill: 52.9° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0.2
0inches 60.8 % 13.7 mph
Wind from the S
5 pm 55.3° F
Wind Chill: 51.7° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0
0.01inches 64.2 % 13.7 mph
Wind from the S
6 pm 53.4° F
Wind Chill: 49.3° F
Overcast Overcast UV: 0
0.01inches 72.6 % 13.6 mph
Wind from the S
7 pm 52.9° F
Wind Chill: 48.6° F
Overcast Overcast
0inches 74.4 % 13.7 mph
Wind from the S
8 pm 52° F
Wind Chill: 47.5° F
Overcast Overcast
0.01inches 77.9 % 13.6 mph
Wind from the S
9 pm 50.4° F
Wind Chill: 45.5° F
Overcast Overcast
0.01inches 83.9 % 13.6 mph
Wind from the S
10 pm 50.5° F
Wind Chill: 45.7° F
Overcast Overcast
0inches 83.1 % 13.4 mph
Wind from the S
11 pm 49.6° F
Wind Chill: 44.7° F
Overcast Overcast
0.05inches 85.9 % 12.8 mph
Wind from the S
Wednesday 24 April 2024
12 am 47.2° F
Wind Chill: 41.9° F
Overcast Overcast
0.02inches 94 % 12 mph
Wind from the S
1 am 47.8° F
Wind Chill: 42.8° F
Overcast Overcast
0inches 91.4 % 11.4 mph
Wind from the S
2 am 47.4° F
Wind Chill: 42.6° F
Overcast Overcast
0.08inches 92.5 % 10.5 mph
Wind from the S
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WxSimCSV Version 0.49.32.en
Script courtesy of: www.wellingtonweather.co.uk
Translated by http://www.wellingtonweather.co.uk

Random Fact

Dew Point

The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water. The condensed water is called dew. When the dew point temperature falls below freezing it is called the frost point, as the water no longer creates dew but instead creates frost. The dew point is associated with relative humidity. A high relative humidity indicates that the dew point is closer to the current air temperature. If the relative humidity is 100%, the dew point is equal to the current temperature. Given a constant dew point, an increase in temperature will lead to a decrease in relative humidity.